Nomination for
Top 50 Most Influential People in TKM 2025
For many years, tacit knowledge management had been a very cold topic in the society, while there are some of our experts devoted themselves into this field without any recognitions. Those are the pilots and we should respect and recognize their significant contribution to this world. Therefore, we would like to have this “Top 50 Most Influential People in Tacit Knowledge Management” awards in Davos, Switzerland, Nov 10 & 11 2025.
Selection Criteria:
Targeted candidates:
- Any professors/ scholars/ researchers etc who have made significant achievements in TKM.
- Any practitioners who have achieved significant success in practice.
- Any persons/organizations who have made outstanding applications tools/ systems to support the use of TKM
- Either you have Books/ Publications/Research papers related to TKM
- Or had been keynote speakers in various KM/TKM conferences
- Or Other significant contributions in TKM applications
- Or invent some tools/ systems in TKM
Nomination Process:
(Deadline CET 23:59, Sept 10, 2025)

1. Fill out the Nomination Application Form:
Please click http://think-tank-go-tkm.mikecrm.com/mtkKFRc
Or scan QR code to nominate:
2. Pay application Fee:
GO-TKM is a not for profit organization, however, we will charge a fixed cost of €100.00 application fee to pay for evaluation service.
However, this €100.00 application fee payment will not guarantee your final winner!
Please Click https://buy.stripe.com/aEU7vo3zg9vmg8weVg to pay. Application without sucessful payment will not be processed.
3. Award candidates Invitation:
Sucessful applicant will receive an VIP Invitation for the Awards Ceremony.
The TKM Davos Forum Gala Dinner will take place in the evening of November 10, 2025, in Davos. All award candidates are cordially invited to attend in person, alongside the two-day TKM Davos Forum. The award ceremony promises to be one of the most anticipated events during the Gala Dinner.
Please be advised that award candidates are responsible for covering their own expenses, including the cost of the VIP ticket (€5,000.00) to the Forum. You may take the early bird discount.
4. Final winners:
The final winners shall be announced at the TKM Davos Forum Gala Dinner in Switzerland. All winners are invited to come to Davos and take their Awards in person.