Green Learning

Green Learning Awards (GLA)

What is Green Learning (GL)?

Green Learning (GL) is a lifelong learning and unlearning mechanism through effective retention/ transfer of tacit knowledge from senior/experienced people to young & inexperienced people to acquire skills fast, which reduces/optimizes resource consumption, improves green environments and obtains a sustainable competitive advantage.


Green Learning Unit (GLU) can be any form of unit/organisation that enhances green learning.


Green Learning Awards (GLA) are prepared to recognize the outstanding individuals or organisations who have made significant achievements in green learning for the benefit of mankind.


On behalf of GO-TKM Davos Forum, we would like to invite you to submit nominations for the Green Learning Awards (GLA) and attend our forum, on 13 and 14 November 2023 in Davos, Switzerland.

Our goal is to promote green learning around the world for the benefit of humanity. Unlike other forms of learning, Green Learning especially emphasizes the retention and sharing of tacit knowledge, learning on the fly, lifelong learning and the robustness to unlearn.


We have prepared 4 categories of awards (Please click for nomination):

For individuals: